The following measures can be used to prevent the development of BPPV. The prognosis depends on the severity of concomitant pathology. The disease can become dangerous when the patient is at a significant altitude or depth with associated changes in atmospheric pressure, as well as in the event of a seizure developing in the operator of the mechanisms.
Dizziness is a common complaint that forces a person to see a doctor. This condition accompanies neurological diseases, spinal damage, blood diseases and blood loss, cardiovascular system, poisoning and intoxication. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is associated with pathology of the inner ear, which serves as a balance organ in humans. This type of dizziness develops in strictly defined situations, has its own distinctive characteristics and requires a specific approach to diagnosis and treatment.
In this case, other causes may be present in parallel - infectious diseases, neurological pathology and organic brain damage. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or postural vertigo, most often develops in people over 50 years of writing essays for money. At this age, the incidence of BPPV is up to 40% and increases thereafter. The disease affects women 2 times more often than men. There are no differences by ethnicity or race.
With benign positional vertigo, the most disturbing symptom for a person is the loss of balance itself, which has the characteristic features listed below. The development of dizziness is accompanied by a number of symptoms that also cause significant discomfort and require additional treatment (described below). A swaying sensation accompanied by unsteadiness and unsteadiness when walking. Nausea and, in severe cases, vomiting. Increased sweating regardless of ambient temperature.
BPPV is considered a benign type of dizziness. This is due to the short duration of attacks, the small number of accompanying symptoms and the favorable course of the disease. However, any type of dizziness requires a detailed examination in a medical institution, since this symptom is a manifestation of serious and sometimes life-threatening diseases. Moreover, BPPV also poses a danger to a person's life, for example, when an attack of dizziness develops. Against the background of BPPV, mental disorders and phobic conditions can also appear, in which the anticipation of an attack causing uncontrollable fear, up to and including a panic attack. In these situations, it is important to distinguish cause and effect, that is, the underlying disease from the complication.
To confirm or refute the diagnosis of BPPV, the Dix-Hallpike test, developed in 1952, is performed. The essence of essay test is to provoke the development of BPPV symptoms by the actions of a doctor. Confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis depends on whether dizziness can be caused by such maneuvers.
To treat BPPV and associated symptoms effectively and avoid relapses, the cause of this condition must be determined. Typical causes of the development of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo include: Also, before starting treatment, you should check whether the complaints attributed to BPPV are associated with orthostatic hypotension. In this case, the level of blood pressure changes when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position. Due to this, similar symptoms arise - dizziness and nausea. The main sign that allows you to distinguish orthostatic hypotension from BPPV is a change in blood pressure levels when you change body position.
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